Otter Tail Power Company - Commercial & Industrial Energy Efficiency Grant Program

Last updated: July 17, 2019

Program Overview

Implementing Sector:Utility
Category:Financial Incentive
Incentive Type:Grant Program
Web Site:
Administrator:Customer Service
Utilities:Otter Tail Power Co
Eligible Efficiency Technologies:Lighting, Chillers, Heat pumps, Compressed air, Building Insulation, Motors, Processing and Manufacturing Equipment, Comprehensive Measures/Whole Building, Custom/Others pending approval, Commercial Cooking Equipment, LED Lighting, Commercial Refrigeration Equipment
Incentive Amount:Grants are calculated based on demand (kW) and energy (kWh) saved
Maximum Incentive:Grant amounts cannot exceed 75% of project costs, or $50,000
Installation Requirements:Energy-saving measures must be installed within 6 months of project approval.


Otter Tail Power Company Grants for Conservation Program allows its commercial and industrial customers to submit energy-saving proposals and receive grants for their custom efficiency projects. Improvement plans that fit a customer's unique business operation may qualify. Eligible applications include—but are not limited to—air compressors, chillers, process improvements, and heat-recovery systems. Building envelope improvements also may qualify.

Customers may obtain more information by contacting the utility. 

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