KIUC - Energy Wise Commercial Energy Efficiency Program

Last updated: August 22, 2019

Program Overview

Implementing Sector:Utility
Category:Financial Incentive
Incentive Type:Rebate Program
Web Site:
Administrator:Kauai Island Utility Cooperative
Eligible Efficiency Technologies:Water Heaters, Lighting, Heat pumps, Air conditioners, Windows, Motors, Custom/Others pending approval, Commercial Refrigeration Equipment
Incentive Amount:Commercial Retrofit Program: 50% - 100% of cost
Maximum Incentive:100% of cost
Eligible System Size:Water Heaters, Lighting, Heat pumps, Air conditioners, Windows, Motors, Custom/Others pending approval, Commercial Refrigeration Equipment


Kauai Island Utility Cooperative offers incentives to its commercial customers for installing energy efficient equipment. The eligible replacements are identified by a survey and reported by KIUC’s Commercial Energy Services Representative. After the equipment has been installed, KIUC performs a follow-up visit to verify that all equipment has been installed and is working properly. Once verified, an incentive payment is issued. Incentives range from 50 to 100% of costs.

HALE Program

The home assessment learning experience is used to determine the causes of high consumption. During the home visit an Energy Specialist will collect appliance and demographic information to establish if high consumption is justified and if not, seek out what other conditions are causing the high consumption. If needed, direct installation of low cost energy saving devices such as LEDs, Smart Plugs and Smart Power Strips may be offered. SmartHub education is also offered as a way to assist members in understand their electric bills. HALE Application 

Lighting Program

Three light-emitting diode (LED) light bulbs are given to each new KIUC member at no cost, residential accounts only. Must be a new member to KIUC opening an account at our office in person. Takeovers/account transfers do not qualify.

Heat Pump Water Heater Rebate

The program provides customers with a $300 rebate for replacing an existing electric water heater, a non-functioning heat pump water heater or a non-functioning solar water heater with an Energy Star Heat Pump Water Heater. New construction does not qualify. Heat Pump Rebate Form

Solar Loan Program

KIUC offers zero-interest loans to customers who want to change their existing electric water heater to a solar water heating system or replace an existing non-functional solar water heater.

KIUC pays the interest for the participant. The participant repays the principal over five years. No down payment is required.

KIUC has partnered with Gather Federal Credit Union.

Solar Rebate Program

KIUC provides a $1,000 rebate for customers who want to replace their existing electric water heater with a solar water heater or replace an existing non-functioning solar water heater. Customers must use a participating solar contractor to be eligible for the rebate. 

New Efficient Appliance Replacement Rebate Program

This incentive program is designed to encourage members to discard older, less efficient refrigerators, clothes washers and freezers and replace them with new, energy-efficient models.

Rebate is $50. This is a residential program. New construction does not qualify.

Applications are available from Costco, Home Depot, Kmart and KIUC for:

  • Clothes Washers
  • Refrigerators
  • Freezers

Energy Star window air conditioners also qualify for a $50 rebate if they have an EER of 11.2 or higher as do Energy Star ceiling fans for a $25 rebate. Application

Qualifying Member Application Replacement Program

The purpose of this program is to help qualifying low-income seniors (60+) reduce their residential electricity use by replacing older, less efficient refrigerators and defective electric water heaters with new, more efficient ones at no cost to the member.

Qualified participants must own the existing refrigerator and meet federal poverty guidelines for the program year. The refrigerator to be replaced must be at least 10 years old and be the primary refrigerator.

This program is offered in partnership with the County of Kauai. For more program information and to determine eligibility, interested customers must call the County of Kauai Offices of Community Assistance, Agency on Elderly Affairs at 241.4477.

Participation is limited.

Appliance Meter Tester

The KIUC Appliance Meter Tester gives customers a way to meter and record the amount of electricity consumed by most common electric appliances. This helps them identify high consumption appliances that can be targeted for replacement. Information also can be used to modify the use of various appliances and help reduce consumption.

Meters may be borrowed for up to seven days and are available through Member Services representatives at KIUC's main office. The meter testers come with easy-to-read instructions and a support phone number.

Commercial Retrofit Program

Provides incentives for cost-effective energy-saving technologies for large and small businesses. Incentives range from 50% to 100%.

A detailed energy evaluation of the facility identifies the technologies that will qualify for the incentives. KIUC will work with large customers to develop an energy plan to prioritize options so technologies can be phased in over time, maximizing the dollars invested. Small commercial accounts can even qualify for FREE LED bulbs. Ask about rebates for new construction as well.

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