SCE monopoly abuse of power prompts the necessity of off-grid inventions

solardailyJanuary 8, 2018182

We will see you in Wuxi to cut chalks and get off the grid for good. Bradley Bartz, founder of ABC Solar Incorporated of California is opening his solar R and D off grid lab to show off, play and inspire on new ways to tap Advanced Solar Applications for off-grid living in the city.

Bartz talk in Wuxi at the Smart Energy 2017 Expo in early November is a must-see speech by an 18-year solar industry leader. Featured on Day 2 of the 1,000-exhibiter event Bartz focuses on real off grid living, not a tent. Solar Applications can power 3-phase up to 200 HP direct now with proper tech. Take this industrial use of the sun to the checklist of things that the sun can run in your house and community. The sun rocks.

"We design some systems to use the grid as backup if our solar system has issues," said Bartz. "The cost of monopoly electricity is a built in Feed-in-Tariff. Going off the grid is not about being a hippy, it is about making money."

Utility Monopolies in California are in a Last-Ditch effort to Kill Solar. This means that connecting to the grid in a net-metering fashion is being regulated out of existence. Only Monopoly owned solar "works" on the grid in California according the Monopoly. If ratepayers own the same solar technology all hell is going to break loose the grid will fail is the serious refrain the monopolies. (dramatic music plays...)

"FREEDOM!" Screams Bartz as he opens his Wuxi Off-Grid-in-the-City speech. Sorry Mom, Monopoly abuse of power spurs Bartz to create, test, use, break and then install for patron solar clients hot new solar solutions. Monopoly abuse necessitates off-grid inventions. Oh wait, being blocked by the spoiled monopoly is the mother of invention. That is the saying I was searching for.

Bartz 18 years in solar always worked towards cutting the cable and telling the monopoly goodbye.

Solar Pool Pumps are simply the biggest bang for your buck in solar applications. Pumping water with the sun is not just logical but can save the planet. The Solar Trifecta is ABC Solar prize solar set for California clients that includes a Solar Pool Pump and dual-use solar thermal and PV panels. This heats the pool, runs the circulation/filtration and makes all the homes electrical power.

Bartz has been designing and installing these hybrid and creative solar systems since 2000. Come hear him speak about what makes him spin!

Solar Hot Tub? Check! Bartz will show and discuss a variety of choices to solve the energy problem of hot tubs. AND even solar storage for super-hot water to keep a hot tub juicy hot when the ladies are ready, usually late at night. Solar Fish Ponds, Solar Air Conditioning and Solar Man Caves, oh my!

Solar Chicken? Yes, Brad will even sing The Solar Chicken song. Bartz speech in Wuxi will be fast and information packed. The purpose is to expose Bartz's mind and creations and find like minds. Some tech exists others need to be created. We will see you in Wuxi to celebrate wild ideas for solar applications. Let's invent together in Wuxi. Bartz believes off-grid-in-the-city is part of solar's impact on the greatest transfer of wealth in human history.

The centralized monopoly power company can no longer contain Bartz or this fantastically creative solar industry. You are fired is happening to the SCE monopoly in the form of "Community Choice Aggregation" a local attempt to wrestle control of the old system. Bartz believes that if you don't use them, you don't have to pay them. Off Grid in The City.

Besides being the greatest transfer of wealth, when solar and renewable energy systems accelerate their adoption monopolies will crumble. The excitement for Bartz is reaching the point where we have too much power. We get to go back to the days when if you used more power you paid less for it. We can forget spinning the meter backwards in some old effort to keep the monopoly. Get rid of the meter. When we tell citizens to spin more and some real cool stuff is going to get invented.

In the old days the myth was the phone was free to use in Hong Kong. Deal making is done on the phone so free phone calls spurred rapid capitalism. The Renewable Energy Surplus Energy Point can be the world's Hong Kong moment of free energy for the spinners, the creators and the public at large. I know I want to melt things with electricity and have a real fantasy about making hydrogen at home. Let me spin! At 31 cents per kWh where I live I cannot afford to be creative on the grid.

With surplus electrical power we might be able to 3D print by changing light to matter. Hehe. Oh man.

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