
Net Metering Can Mean Saving On Solar Panel Cost

Ean GoodguyAugust 3, 2018 863 0

Net Metering Can Mean Saving On Solar Panel Cost

Thinking about rate and meter occurrences is reasonably helpful.  Imagine if you will, you are at the horse track.  Your wife is out of town, her college besties have invited her to an all expense paid vacation to West Covina, California.  It is clear she is in for a trip of a lifetime, so you figure maybe you should have a bit of a good time this weekend as well.  You have been working hard all month, and your solar sales job has procured you some nice bonuses this month.  With that extra $143 on your paycheck, rather than fix that hole in your front door, you figure, "hey, I'll head to the track, and double this nest egg."  So, off to the races with you.  You put your whole bonus on a steed named Grey Lightning.  You just have a feeling.  The gun fires, and before you know it Grey Lightning is in the lead.  Seconds later, the horses cross the finish line.  For a moment, your heart sinks, the joy and excitement you sought has rushed away as Snickerdoodle passes the line neck and neck with your choice.  Then, the announcement, the camera, and the clock kept track, and it turns out, your horse came in first!  Well done.  

Now, if it wasn't for the ability for that track to watch and rate the finishing of horses, there might be even more violence at the track, and people would lose money.  Most people want to save and make money.  If they make a move to buying a great priced solar panel system and take advantage of net metering, they, like the track, can keep an eye on their winnings each month with energy companies.   Let's see how net metering will help you save money on your solar panel costs.  

Net Metering For Your Solar Panel System 

A very significant part of your future solar panel solar pricing equation is exploring the availability net metering. Plainly stated, net metering is a billing process that helps solar consumers sell their excess solar panel's generated power to the grid. It measures both the energy you’re drawing from the grid and the excess energy that your solar energy system is putting back. Although net metering rules vary from state to state (and even utility to utility), you will generally receive some credit on your monthly electrical bill – which, if you’re selling a lot of power back to the grid, will become something you want to monthly. The amount of the credit you get for excess energy fluctuates, so it’s necessary to get accustomed with the net metering laws in your area while you prepare your solar panel purchase. 

Solar Incentive Alternatives

No all states and cities offer net metering at this time, but there are still lots of different ways to save on your energy bills through solar panel purchasing.  Other state and federal solar incentives that can offer additional savings are abundant throughout the U.S. 

If you want to move into the future and join the solar revolution, or if you want to find out what solar panels are right for you, go to and try our price checker tool. You can see how much a system will cost, and how much you can save over the next 20 years.

For more information relating to going solar, don't forget to visit our solar blog section for more handy guides and articles.

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