
Solar energy and pollution reduction

Millie HennickOctober 18, 2018 210 0

Solar energy and pollution reduction

Pollution remains a tremendous problem in many of the world’s metropolitan centers. There is no longer any riddle about the origins of this pollution. Climate scientists overwhelmingly concur on the basic causes of climate change. Fossil fuel combustion is causing distressing levels of pollution, especially in China and India. American cities are subject to air pollution from the burning of large amounts of dangerous fossil fuels and those effects are dispersed to rural communities. There are two chief ways to calculate the financial value of solar energy generation. These include the total value over the life of the operation and rate of payback for the system.  In the first case, the upfront installed expense is calculated by excluding any incentives and tax credits.  For payback, the number of years required to pay off the system cost from energy savings is calculated. Most scientists assume that solar power’s two great advantages are environmental and financial.

Property values grow with solar panels

The real estate market has been affected by the solar rush also. Solar homes sell at double the rate as their standard counterparts, which provides an edge in depressed home markets. Solar homeowners are practically always more satisfied and recommend their builder to others much more often. Homeowners in cities that include solar are more satisfied with their home purchases and they are less inclined to sell their home in the future. Given a choice of free electricity, most consumers are going to favor the more financially and environmentally stable option. Why would anyone want to burn fossil fuels that cost capital and pollute the air when they could produce their own energy for free? Homes with solar energy lessen their energy bills by 12-57% and solar systems retain their value on average 96% and adds approximately $10,000 to a home’s value.

Environmental advantages of solar power are potent

There are diverse ways to evaluate the relationship between energy and the environment.  These include all of the results of resource growth on society from the production, ,consumption, and disposal of energy.  One worldwide concern is the effect on global warming, which is whether the resource is carbon emitting, such as coal or oil.  Clean resources include solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Another factor is whether the resource is a renewable or non-renewable resource (such as coal and gas). Still another component is the magnitude of the resource and the potential for harm to the ecosystem and human health.  Because distribution

solar energy is carbon-free and renewable, it has more environmental benefits when matched with carbon-producing fossil fuels. All energy sources have some effect on the environment. Fossil fuels are more harmful than renewable energy sources due to air/water pollution, damage to public health, wildlife, and fish habitat, land and water use, and greenhouse gas emissions.

Calculating the real cost of energy

For numerous years now, the energy industry (utilities, regulatory commission, environmental groups) have tried to calculate the cost of resource development on the environment.  Calculating this amount is known as environment adders.  By including these costs, it more perfectly captures the actual cost and discusses accountability. But what about the human health toll of burning fossil fuels? Is there a way to directly attribute respiratory illnesses to oil, gas, and coal? Scientists presume many premature deaths have occurred due to fossil fuels.

There has never been a better time to install a solar energy system!

Solar power is here to stay, and the sooner you explore how much you can save, the sooner you can enjoy the benefits of residential solar power. Please visit our solar blog to find out more about the benefits of going solar.

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