
Climate change deniers vs. solar advocates

Millie HennickOctober 17, 2018 350 0

Climate change deniers vs. solar advocates

Global warming is a continually present danger for the earth and its residents. The latest predictions from climate scientists show that their terrible initial predictions were not nearly harsh enough. The rate of melting ice in the Arctic is much worse now than the climate experts first predicted. There are more signs of violent weather events related to global warming and weather patterns are becoming more dangerous than ever before. Today, even climate change deniers want more renewable energy. A report released by the University of New Hampshire’s Carsey School of Public Policy found that a majority of Americans, including many Trump voters least likely to accept climate change, believe in prioritizing alternative energy over oil drilling. Carsey school researchers surveyed 707 adults from every state before and after the election. They found that 3/4 of all respondents, regardless of political affiliation, said that renewable energy should be a bigger national priority than oil drilling. Analyzed according to party, 93 percent of Clinton voters and 84 percent of nonvoters supported renewable sources of power. Trump voters were the only group that preferred expanding oil drilling, but by a slim margin—48 percent preferred renewable energy. But the possibility of a promising trend has come forth before the election: Only 39 percent of Trump supporters said the same.

Polls show solar power growing more popular...even with Trump voters

The findings coincide with the results of other recent polls. A Pew Survey in October, for instance, also found strong bipartisan support for green energy, leading Pew researchers to conclude that, while climate science is sometimes highly politicized, climate skepticism doesn’t transfer to all related issues: While there are very strong ideological differences over increasing fossil fuel and nuclear energy sources, majorities of all political organizations support more solar and wind energy. These patterns are most consistent with past findings that climate change and fossil fuel energy issues are effectively linked with party and ideology. However, political divisions have a much more moderate relationship with public attitudes on other science-related topics. Based on survey results, representing renewable energy as a solution to climate change is unlikely to get much support from this base. Unfortunately, Trump supporters aren’t moving enough on the issue of climate change. Only 1/4 of Trump supporters surveyed agree that man-made climate change is occurring now. That’s in severe contrast to the 90 percent of Clinton supporters, 76 percent of nonvoters and 68 percent of third-party voters who have accepted the overriding scientific consensus on climate change.

Climate change deniers in the Trump administration

Trump and his allies, particularly Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt, have run on a campaign of “soft denial” of climate change. It’s not just that they’re neglecting the scientific results, they’re doing so insidiously: moving from the dishonest claim of “climate change isn’t happening” to the intellectually questionable judgment that scientists are still not in agreement. But as the effects of global warming become ever more apparent, it’s encouraging that we may see some support for green energy initiatives, even among skeptics. But for some conservatives, there’s a powerful instinct to oppose every initiative initiated by a progressive person. Mr. Trump has not hidden his aims to repeal virtually every initiative of Mr. Obama. This seems to particularly true on any environmental issue.

There has never been a better time to install a solar energy system! The prices for solar panels remain low, making an investment in a solar energy system one of the best financial decisions you can make.

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