
California's Solar Incentives Are Great For Deal Making

Ean GoodguyOctober 3, 2018 735 0

California's Solar Incentives Are Great For Deal Making

It feels fantastic when we get a deal.  Remember when you went to Ned's market downtown on Pine Street with Eddie Funkley?  You two were quite the pack of trouble.  Early that day, Eddie Funkley put that frog in your mom's purse and asked her for a nickel for a Bazooka Joe.  Boy did she let out a wail when she saw that little croaker jump out!  Anyway, it was later at Ned's when you and Eddy "funky" Funkley decided to, and rather uncharacteristically I might add, help a very old and pale woman carry her groceries to her caramel colored wood-paneled station wagon.  Oh weren't you two surprised when you hooligans walked your gum up to the counter, and Ned said, "boys, that was my ole' mom that you boys helped," and with a slow lean in, and a wink from his white feathery eyelash, he continued, "gum's on me boys."   A deal is a very, very good thing.  It's doubly great though when we get a deal for something we were already set to purchase.  In the case of potential solar panel purchasers in the state of California, there is a program that can get you that special deal you might not have been expecting.  Introducing The Single-family Affordable Solar Homes Program (SASH), a subsidy that is a segment of the California Solar Initiative      

California is a leader for the solar revolution, demonstrating how people from all financial backgrounds can turn their solar dreams into solar realities. In recent surveys concerning solar in the United States, California has held the top ranking solar state for capacity and quantity of installations. A huge factor of California's growth model comes from the California Solar Initiative (CSI). CSI was created to implement instant savings for domestic and commercial property owners buying solar panel systems. The rebates were made available for consumers via  San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), and Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E).

California's “Go Solar California” campaign has some lofty goals, but they are all heading toward greatness. This statewide initiative had an opening goal to reach approximately 1,950 megawatts (MW) of new solar production from 2007 until 2016. It has proven to be a success, and the majority of the money available for the rebates was instantly used up and hasn’t been possible to many utility customers for years. CSI is also still around. In an effort further, stimulate the growth of solar in within the state, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) decided to allow no less than 10% of CSI’s funds to programs committed to providing solar electric systems to low-income households. Hence, the creation of the Single-family Affordable Solar Homes Program (SASH): which has produced savings for years now.  

SASH Defined

The Single-family Affordable Solar Homes Program (SASH) is a segment of the California Solar Initiative.  This solar cost savings effort is designed to help low-income residents go solar by reducing the upfront investment of buying a solar panel system. The initial budget for the SASH plan was $108.34 million. In 2015, the CPUC decided to add onto that with a combined $54 million. The program is set to remain until 2021, or until all the depletion of all available funds.

Start Saving On Solar Today

Don't wait forever to go solar here in California, you don't have to. Solar is smart for homeowners in California, well any state for that matter.  The SASH initiative sweetens the deal.  Remember that payback period usually lands around the six-year mark for many Californians seeks solar panel installations. The SASH rebate can shorten this and make it very doable for everyone.  


Let's explore the required criteria one must hold so to qualify for SASH:

The solar panel system can only be installed on your primary place of residence. 

You must currently be a customer of PG&E, SCE, or SDG&E

Your house must be designated as “affordable housing,” according to California Public Utilities (P.U. Code 2852)

Your cumulative household earnings must be 80 percent or less of the Area Median Income (AMI).

Meeting these eligibility requirements for SASH will get you $3 a watt for a maximum system size of 5 kilowatts (kW), or 5,000 watts. 

More than 1 kW of solar capacity must be installed to receive this incentive.

If you want to move into the future and join the solar revolution, or if you want to find out what solar panels are right for you, go to and try our price checker tool. You can see how much a system will cost, and how much you can save over the next 20 years. 

For more information relating to going solar, don't forget to visit our solar blog section for more handy guides and articles. 

If you want to keep saving and join the solar revolution, or if you want to find out what solar panels are right for you, and for more information relating to going solar.  HahaSmart has the inside scoop for your future big savings on solar panels, stay tuned.

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